Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Jammin' with my Homeboy

Yesterday I did something I have never done before. I went on a date with a man other than my husband. Yes, I know, not exactly the kind of activity a pastor's wife should participate in. My date was tall, blond haired, blue-eyed, and very talkative. The exact opposite of my husband. OK, I'll confess, before Phil is asked to turn over his pastor's license. It was Timmy. He is tall, 3ft. 10 to be exact, and has blond hair, and blue eyes. As I've mentioned before I've been trying to spend more quality time with him, especially since we've had so much going on with Aaron. Last night I wanted to go to Overland Park to see my friend Raquel and her new baby girl. I took Timmy with me, and we made a date out of it. On our way to the hospital, we stopped and got chocolate chip cookies, and a drink. Those happen to be his favorite treats. We spent a few hours visiting with Raq and her sister, admiring the baby. Her name is Jaclyn and she's got the most amazing black hair you have ever seen. It's long enough to put in pigtails already. I can feel myself rambling, so I'll hurry along.

On our way home, we were thirsty again, and got another drink, then got on the topic of real estate. How many hospitals did Mom own. He thought that every time I went to the hospital to have a baby, it was mine. Then the topic drifted over to music; who was the best singer, Bob, Larry, or Mr. Nezzer. (For all you uncultured people, they are from Veggie Tales.) After a while, we stopped talking, and I was listening to the radio. I love talk radio, and Sean Hanity (Hannity?) was on. Timmy leaned over and asked,"Mommy, could I listen to Veggie Tales?" We turned it on, and the song "I'm Gonna Take a Trip on the Good Ol' Gospel Ship" came on. We cranked up the bass, and started nodding our heads in time to the music, and singing on the top of our lungs. It might not have been a beautiful noise, but it was sure a joyful noise. Then "Father Abraham" came on. We just HAD to do the motions to it. It was quite interesting trying to do all the motions while I was driving. We had some of the weirdest looks given to us, but we were having fun. People probably thought we were nuts, but who cares!! I am, and I know it, and I was going to have fun with my little boy. 20 years from now, he'll be all grown up, and not want to hang out with his mom, so while he still thinks I"m cool, I'm going to hang with my homeboy.


urhis said...

Nothing more rewarding than building a relationship with your children. You have a BIG job and just as important as the President. (just a thought) Who is sitting in your high chair? President, Scientist, Preacher....

Brenda Stalker said...

You are a special. I love playing games with you. I like telling you stories and singing silly songs. I can,t wait until I see you again. Grandpa and I love you very much.
Love Grandma Stalker

Queen of the Castle said...

I know!!! I can't believe that we live so close, yet never see each other!!! I knew about the baby's surgery because my mom told me...I stumbled across your blog much the same way you found mine. I've been meaning to leave you a note to say "hi" & just hadn't done it yet. We really should get together for lunch again sometime!!! I would love to see you & I'm sure the kids are getting so big!!! Why don't you e-mail me your phone # so we can chat sometime! My e-mail address is Hope to talk to you soon!!! :-)

Luanna Joy Wright said...

Hi Merrie Beth! Thank you for posting on my blog!


LeAnn said...

Merrie Beth,
I'm waiting........please suprise me with another updated post!!!!

Love your crazy coffee-drinking friend,

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